We blinked, and all too soon June was over. What a wild, wild month it has been, though. During June all ten of our homes took part in a nationwide campaign organised by the Wildlife Trusts. Called '30 Days Wild' the initiative challenges participants to complete one random act of wildness per day, so that we might all access, and appreciate nature more readily. It's said that all of our lives are better when they're wilder, and we couldn't agree more. Accessing nature for just a short period of time each day can help to improve the mental and physical wellbeing of those taking part, and make a stark difference to some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. During our participation in last year's '30 Days Wild' we noticed that residents were engaged and happy. They were often far more willing to take part in group activities and events, and one home noticed a marked difference in the number of falls that occurred. Residents and staff ...