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Showing posts from October, 2018

Cedar Court Dementia Care Home's Newest Residents

We would like to take a moment to introduce you to Minnie, Mo and Dot (in that order). These beautiful girls have moved into a palace at Cedar Court Dementia Care Home, where they will spend their time soothing staff members and residents with plenty of cuddles, squeaks of support and thoroughly adorable escapades. Having moved in on Friday the girls have already met many of the residents, and have elicited smiles and coos from just about everyone they met along the way. One gentleman was particularly taken with the 'lovely' piggy he found in his hands, while another resident commented on the guinea pigs that she'd kept when she was younger. Our hope is that Minnie, Mo and Dot will help to ease the anxiety that many of our residents experience during the course of living with dementia. Their soft, snuggly fur is a wonderful antidote to stress, while the squeaks and chirrups that they emit has already helped those that they have met to smile. Staff members will be j...

30 Days Wild has become 365 Days Wild for Langwith Lodge Residential Home

We are so excited to announce that Langwith Lodge Residential Home has partnered with the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust and adopted a new role as a Wildlife Guardian. As well as sponsoring and supporting the valuable work of the Trust the home has pledged to do so much more for the wildlife living on and around its grounds; there are plans afoot for more bird boxes, a wildflower meadow, better access across the landscape for all residents and identification workshops. This new relationship comes as a result of the home's participation in Wildlife Trust challenge 30 Days Wild this June. Inspiring people to do just one random act of wild per day the initiative aims to show us all just how easy it is to interact with nature. The home's staff and residents made daisy chains, ate lunch outside beside the lake and looked out for all manner of birds and beasties over the course of the month - and had a wonderful time doing so. Manager Zoe noted how the home's fall rate r...